Friday, January 30, 2009
Temperature Taking Execise
However, I will be checking your thermometer on 02/02 (Mon) to ensure that all of you have a functioning thermometer. If your thermometer is missing or not working, please get one or new batteries over the weekend. If anyone forgets to bring on Mon, then I will conduct another check on Tue & Wed. Hence, hope all of you can bring your thermometer on Mon.
Please help to remind each other to bring your thermometer on Mon.
ฬєє tєςк
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Examples of RICH Assignments
Above are examples of the RICH (RESPECT) assignments that you are required to complete by 11/02.
ฬєє tєςк
Amended Class Seating Arrangement

Remember our agreement: If any of you misbehave or if I hear any complaints from your subject teachers, I reserve the right to change your seat with immediate effect and NO appeals shall be entertained then.
P/S: Please try to understand that it is not easy to cater to everyone's wishes. But, I tried to. Remember the objective for this is for you all to have a comfortable and a conducive study environment in class. Hope we all can work towards achieveing that! = ]
ฬєє tєςк
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Class Seating Arrangement

This is the new proposed seating arrangement for the class with effect from 28/01 (Wed) based on your selections and feedbacks. I tried to give you one of your choices or at least near one of your choices. However, if you still have any comments or objections, please feel free to contact me by 26/01 (Mon).
Please note that there may be changes to it depending on comments or objections by others. Please check back here again on 27/01 (Tue) night.
Remember our agreement: If any of you misbehave or if I hear any complaints from your subject teachers, I reserve the right to change your seat with immediate effect and NO appeals shall be entertained then.
ฬєє tєςк
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Registration for IC @ OPSS
Registration for IC @ OPSS
The ICA Team will be in OPSS for the NRIC registration for Sec 3 students:Date : 29 Jan (Thur)
Time: 10:00am ~ 10:15am
Venue: La Galerie (aka Old Library)
Please bring the following original documents on that day:
ICA cannot accept GIRO top-up EZ Link Card and new EZ Link Cards. If you do not have value in your card, you can borrow your friend's EZ Link Card (if there is enough top-up value). In the event, your EZ Link Card has no value, you have to bring:
Top-up value: $10 - Singapore Citizen
Top-up value: $50 - Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)
ICA would prefer cashless payment.
Please help to pass the message to your classmates and remind each other. Thanks.
ฬєє tєςк
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
What is RESPECT to You?
Golden Rule : "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!"
Assignments for Group Work :
(More information will be provided in the subsequent RICH lessons.)
You will be given time to discuss and do your RICH assignments during the subsequent RICH lessons. Hence, please come prepared for the next RICH lesson by coming up with ideas or doing your research at home.
Hope you guys will enjoy the process and learn more about RESPECT through these RICH assignments.
ฬєє tєςк
does joking makes you laugh ? 8DD
i got nothing to post but just jokes
i wanna cool down the blog ! ITS TOO HOT !
Muthu was doing an experiment with a cockroach. First he cut off one leg and told it to 'WALK! WALK!'
The cockroach walked. Then he cut off it's second leg and told the same. The cockroach walked.
Then he cut off the third leg and did the same.
Finally, he cut off its fourth leg and ordered it walk!
But the cockroach didn't walk.
Suddenly, Muthu said loudly, 'I found it. If we cut a cockroach's four legs, it becomes deaf.'
lamest joker : clara
3a-toot's Alvin & the Chipmunks?? (o_o)
Bad Day by Alvin & the Chipmunks
Lonely by Alvin & the Chipmunks
Smack That by Alvin & the Chipmunks
Low by Alvin & the Chipmunks
We Will Rock You by Alvin & the Chipmunks
We Are The Champions by Alvin & the Chipmunks
Maybe next time we can ask our in-house "performers" (aka KaiSheng, Jerry & Daven) to perform these songs. The thought of it already makes me smile. I'll be looking forward to their version of these songs. hehe...= ]P/S: I think we should call them "3a-toot's Alvin & the Chipmunks". What do you think? Aren't they adorable too (just like the real chipmunks)? It will be even better if they can dress in red, blue & green.. haha... ; p
ฬєє tєςк
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Instead of posting about what homework we have, I would like to ask you guys what homework do we have, oooooooops.
Hell yeah, we've THREE MVS of kaisheng feat. jerry and daven.
Will post it soon when I get it!
WHO WANT CHANGE TO PINK BLOGSKIN? Black is too emo for a fun class like us,
and let's welcome Justin the botak timberlake for school tmr!
jokes time ! 8DD
i hope you all get this joke ! 8DD
One day in a barber shop in London, A Pastry chef went into a Barber Shop to get his hair cut.
After the hair cut, the Chef wanted to pay the barber but the barber refused. The barber then told the Chef as he is doing his community service, the haircut will be free of charge. The Chef went off a happy man.
The next day when the barber opened his shop. The chef was there again and the chef presented the barber with a box of pastery (Ten in all) he made as a form of gratitute for the free hair cut.
Later that day, A Police Officer went into a Barber Shop to get his hair cut.
After the hair cut, the Officer wanted to pay the barber but the barber refused. The barber then told the Officer as he is doing his community service, the haircut will be free of charge. The Officer went off a happy man.
The next day when the barber opened his shop. The Police Officer was there again and the Officer presented the barber with a box of Donuts (Ten in all) as a form of gratitute for the free hair cut.
The next day when the barber opened his shop. The chef was there again and the chef presented the barber with a box of pastery (Ten in all) he made as a form of gratitute for the free hair cut.
On the same day, A Singapore Engineer went into a Barber Shop to get his hair cut.
After the hair cut, the Engineer wanted to pay the barber but the barber refused. The barber then told the Engineer as he is doing his community service, the haircut will be free of charge. The Engineer went off a happy man.
The next day when the barber opened his shop. The Engineer was there again and the Engineer brought 10 more singaporeans to get the free haircut.
singaporeans are so ...
lamest joker : clara
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Well, all the pictures are PROUDLY placed at the departments @ OPSS website.
so yeah, give some comments?
I scared that tmr people will tell miss soo or whoever and they will announce :
Then it will be my fault, so yeah, give me some comments please?
and thinking!
we decided that our class url is......
any objections or disagreements feel free to tag,
but I do like this url :D
special and easy to remember!
p/s: this URL will be on our class tee.
So yeah.
hope you all will agree to this :)
20th post

I sort of neglected my blog for a day, updated so many times at class blog,
discussing about class tee now, well Juzteen is designing/drawing it out
it's gonna be something like that :
Front - 3a2'2009 logo or smth (left nehneh like what botak said)
Sleeves - 3a2 and our nicknames by the side (by jerry)
Back Top - Our name
Back Centre - Angela's sentence
Back Bottom - our class blog url
T A R T.
SORRY MISS WEE :((((((((((((((((((
and she was once Mr Toh's ex student too.
well, whoever fault's it was, let's just say sorry to her as a class or something?
That will also make our class united right? Apologise in unity :)))))
Maybe write a 'sorry' card and let everyone sign as what mr toh suggested?
So yeah, agree or not agree, just tag :D
Hmmmm, if Ms Edaline Wee comes here.....
maybe you could edit this post,
and after every '' sorry '' you said, leave you name?
So yeah, apologised by Sienyee.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
3a2'2009 is gonna be funnnnnnnn
need write real name or nickname ah?
I'm salted fish(tart) anyway!
lets loosen up and hear some jokes !
laugh more and live longer ! 8DD
Char Siew Pao and Mee Kia got involved in an argument. Char Siew Pao got very angry and shouted at Mee Kia, "I'm going to find my gang to hantam you!"
So Char Siew Pao went to round up Leng Yong Pau and Tau Sar Pow.
Just then, Maggi Mee walked around the corner. Immediately, the Paos started to beat him up.
As Char Siew Pao was punching Maggi Mee, he shouted, "Don't think just because you perm your hair, we can't recognize you, ok!''
from clara ! 8)
Life's Little Struggle

"One day, a student found a cocoon in the garden and brought it to his Biology class to show his teacher. The teacher put the cocoon into an unused aquarium in the Biology Lab. She also placed a small lamp in the aquarium to keep it warm.
A week later, a small opening began to appear on the underside of the cocoon. The students watched as it began to shake. Suddenly, tiny antennae emerged, followed by the head and tiny front feet. The students were all excited and deeply fascinated by what they saw. They would run back to the Biology Lab in between classes to check on the progress of the cocoon. By lunchtime, it had struggled to free its listless wings. The colours on the wings revealed that it was a Monarch Butterfly. It wriggled, shook and struggled, but it seemed to be stuck. Try as it might, the butterfly could not seem to force its body through the small opening in the cocoon.
Finally, one helpful and kind-hearted student could not bear to see the little butterfly in this predicament and decided to help it out of its difficulty. He took a pair of scissors and made the opening on the cocoon bigger. As soon as he did that, out plopped an insect-like thing. The top half looked like a butterfly with droopy wings and the bottom half was large and swollen. The 'butter-pillar' or 'cater-fly' never flew with its strunted wings. It just crawled around the bottom of the aquarium, dragging its wings and swollen body with it. Shortly after, it died.
The Biology teacher explained that the butterfly's struggle to get through the tiny opening was necessary in order to force the fluid from the swollen body into the wings. Without the struggle, the wings never developed and the butterfly could not fly. Eventually, the butterfly will die without fulfilling its destiny -- to fly high and bring beauty to the world."
Hope you find this "seed" inspiring and relevant to your life. Feel free to share your thoughts/feelings in the tagboard/post.
Hope you all can become the "butterfly" that you are destined to be!! : ]
Disclaimer: I don't know how true this is. You might want to check with your Biology teacher. Also, I'm not asking you all to be selfish and stop offering a helping hand to those in need. However, the next time before you do that, please think about this "seed".
ฬєє tєςк
I ask my friend come our class blog she say we very united she envy leh!!!
p e r l i n ♥ says:
your class so good.
p e r l i n ♥ says:
._. says:
why good?
._. says:
p e r l i n ♥ says:
p e r l i n ♥ says:
p e r l i n ♥ says:
and fun together.
p e r l i n ♥ says:
i see your blog i envy. LMAO
p e r l i n ♥ says:
my class only have serious lessons
p e r l i n ♥ says:
recess talk talk
p e r l i n ♥ says:
after that go back lesson le.
p e r l i n ♥ says:
so ..
._. says:
lol you envy what?
p e r l i n ♥ says:
about your class's unity. HAHA
p e r l i n ♥ says:
my class not THAT united
._. says:
how unity? lol give eg. i see
p e r l i n ♥ says:
._. sec 3.
p e r l i n ♥ says:
we totally don't talk to each other
p e r l i n ♥ says:
no class outing
p e r l i n ♥ says:
class no happenings
p e r l i n ♥ says:
everyday listen to cher talk then go home only.
p e r l i n ♥ says:
its until sec 4. then we became united after sec 3 class camp
p e r l i n ♥ says:
everyone started to interact.
p e r l i n ♥ says:
then got outings
p e r l i n ♥ says:
and complain to each other about alot of things. HAHA
._. says:
can i copy this conver into class blog? i wanna post you say we united.
p e r l i n ♥ says:
lol, wah other ppl think we united leh!
happy you got in this class?
Life is Like a Buffet
"An old man went into a restaurant one day for his meal. He sat at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order.
After half an hour, still nobody came. He was getting impatient and decided to approach a waitress walking past his table. He asked, 'Can I make my order?' The waitress looked at him in a puzzled manner. She replied, 'But, Sir, we serve buffet here. You will have to go to the tables in the centre of the restaurant to get your food. You can take any food that is on the serving tables.' 'When you have finished your meal, the bill will be brought to you,' added the waitress. After which, she walked away and carried on her business.
Having realised his folly, the old man stood up and walked towards the serving tables in the middle of the restaurant.

ฬєє tєςк
Friday, January 16, 2009
this is yours truly , fabian .
the informations of the blog are nearly completed .
haha , any errors or mistake , tell me or correct it yourself :D
Oh ya , study hard for the coming POA test .
it's on chapter two of the POA textbook .
anyone who don't understand or have questions to ask , feel free to ask me or any other classmates .We are all classmates , any questions on anything , we'll help each other .
Er, i think that's about it ? yeah , Remember to bring tie for assembly and photo taking on
19 january, monday . bye all , and have a pleasant weekends . enjoy !
Thursday, January 15, 2009
kekeke~dont pornograhy...only kaisheng will upload:X
anyway! our class T-shirt we kinda have a design already!
its a pink polo t-shirt with black collar . with our names and class by the sleeves:D
so.....if you vote for it! please say yes or no at the tag board... or if possible.
tmr at Lskills we can discuss!!!:D
any opinions are all gladly heard:D
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Will You Give Me A Break
"There once was an old man who lived a good and pious life, but in his waning years felt that he had nothing to show for it. Finally, he decided to ask something from God. He fell to his knees and prayed, "God, please hear me. I've been a good man all my life. I've never asked anything from you before, and I'm grateful for all that you have given me. But, please grant me just one request: let me win the lottery."
Weeks passed and nothing happened, so he prayed to win the lottery again. Still nothing happened. After months of fruitless praying, he finally cried out to God: "God, will you give me a break? All I'm asking for is to win the lottery!"
Suddenly, a voice thundered from the sky, "Will you give me a break? At least buy a ticket!"" Hope you find this "seed" meaningful and inspiring. Feel free to share your thoughts/feelings in the tagboard/post. Looking forward to seeing more of your sharings.
P/S: By the way, I am by no means encouraging you to buy lottery or to ask God to let you win the lottery. :)
ฬєє tєςк
For my phone number, ask me in msn. -.-