I thought that I should also do likewise and share with you guys my reflection. However, I would only share what I have learnt over these past few weeks, as your form teacher.
When I ponder over this question, the very first thing that comes to my mind is "The Serenity Prayer". Some of you may be familiar with it. I think it reflects exactly how I feel then and now, and the lesson that you guys have taught me.

butiguess,sometimestheeffortthatweputinintosomethingdoesnotneccessarilygiveustheresultthatwehopefor...ihave failed...iambeaten...andiamsosotired...shouldijustgiveup?willibehappierthen?throughthisexperience,ihavelearntsomethingaboutmyself:i'mnotaswiseasithoughtiwas...-.-
ฬєє tєςк
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